All plants are for local pickup at our farm only in 2020. Transplants are grown from seeds produced on our farm, in certified organic potting mix blended with locally produced Bear Cove Resources Storm-cast Composted Seaweed.
Zucchini, squash and pumpkin transplants will be available for pickup starting in late May.
2 to 4 plants per pot. (C. pepo) One of the oldest pumpkin varieties in existence. A genetically diverse strain grown by First Nations in New England and adopted by early New England colonists by the 1700’s. Historically, the flesh would be sliced and dried for winter use- nowadays grown mostly for jack-o-lanterns and animal fodder. These vigourous and dependable producers have more character and variation than your average Halloween pumpkin. Fruit size and shapes vary- kids love them! Fun to grow, they also make a decent soup or muffin if the stringy flesh is pureed.